Thursday, July 5, 2012

Nesting....and a STUPID CHOICE I made today. Oh grief.

My nesting party main event is in TWO DAYS.
I have finally begun planning it in serious earnest.
Unfortunately that meant I made a stupid choice and moved super heavy furniture by myself all day today.
I am feeling the consequences of my actions.

I am really excited about the projects we are gonna do though.  I hope lots of pals come and we get lots done.:)

Tomorrow is payday.
The day to get EVERYTHING needed for the crazy nesting extravaganza.
I will be shopping ALL DAY.
Part of the time with three babies in tow.
It will be epic basically.

Moving furniture by myself today was probably not the best way to prepare for this awesome weekend.

If one of MY friends was moving heavy furniture at eight months pregnant I would probably kill them.

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