Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I am SO grateful that my Mum and Pop are visitng from out of town for the week.:)

This was taken about a year and a half ago in "MOVEMBER" with their Poppa Mike.:)

Gratitude can be the hardest thing to pull off when you are tired and stressed and waiting, but it can totally change your experience into one of miracles.

TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Time yourself for one minute and see how many things you can be grateful for about your situation in life right now. Don't think too hard, just write(or say it outloud). GO! Then post the number in the comments and your reaction to the challenge and you will be entered once again for the two color of your choice clickers give away this week!:)

I am grateful that in our situation right now:
I have a roof over my head
I can live in a place I absolutely love(Provo)
I can walk to campus every week and love my alma mater:)
I get to spend all day with my cute kids
I have a husband who works so hard to make our life possible
I have a place to craft and write and dream
I have bookshelves for all my books
I live within walking distance to almost everything I love and need in my life

Whew!  One minute went too fast! You can totally try this again for like five minutes. One did not seem like enough at all! Hardly put a dent in the blessings around me at all!!  There are so many blessings around me.  I am so grateful.:)

Happy Tuesday!!


  1. Woohoo! I'm grateful today for:
    how cute my puppies are when they're sleeping
    funny movies that make me smile
    a loving husband
    getting healthier (I've been sick for 8 days now)
    the chocolate brownie I had for breakfaast to celebrate getting healthier :)
    time with the scriptures and prophets' words today.

    Whew, you're right, a minute goes by fast when you have to type it all out! :) I should also add here that I'm grateful for YOU and this post. Gratitude is a BIG part of positivity, and I'm grateful for the reminder! I'm off to click 5 minutes worth of grateful thoughts!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry, I just read the "rules" again. :) Sheesh. Well, I should do that EVERY morning, because 52 clicks in 5 minutes of gratitude is awesome and made ME feel awesome. I was actually surprised at how many negative thoughts still flooded my mind at first, though--like "I can't say this bc it's not true, or I'm not this," or even more sublty like saying I'm grateful for my talents and then all the things I'm not good at flood my mind and I think about how much I still want to improve on my talents I *do* have. I guess I'm a more negative self-talker than I thought I was. So I had to physically shake those thoughts out of my head and force myself to think more positively. Isn't that what this is about--retraining our brain and NOTICING these things? So I'm grateful for the chance to change.

      Click. :)

    3. I love you forever.:) Also, the brownie made me laugh.:)

  2. Exactly! We gotta retrain our minds!!! You rock.:) I notice that when I start to think negatively I have a few choice phrases that I just repeat over and over again. Like, I love BJ. I can choose to be happy(this is especially good for me since that is SO HARD FOR ME TO DO!). I am awesome. etc.:) Then, after I have said them about twenty times in a row, other happy thoughts start flowing.:) Corny, perhaps, but it works.:)

  3. I came up with ten! There probably should have been more - I had to pause and think. I totally have tons of blessings, there was no need to pause. So that shows me that I really do have a need to think more positively also. I'm thinking that once I can really get in on this positivity thing I'm gonna be a much better mother - more fun and more effective in my teaching and disciplining. It's going to rock. :) You're awesome Clair - and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Muah!

  4. my sweet husband, wonderful kids, fun chickens, a house, furniture, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, the gospel, central heating, hot water for a lovely shower every day, chocolate, my parents, my dog, siblings who love me and support me, and a temple close by. DING! Fifteen! Fun exercise. :)
