Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another quick post because grandma and poppa are taking us to Thanksgiving Point today!  Whoohoo!!

There is something really important in my heart that wants to be written today and all the odds are against me.:)  Kids are climbing all over me, I'm trying to get them ready as I post this, grandparents are coming in just a bit.....

What I wanted to say is that when all else fails(or maybe more approprietly first and foremost!), work on inviting the spirit of Christ to be your constant companion.  Everytime I try to write more than that the words don't feel right this morning.

THINK OF ONE THING YOU CAN DO TODAY THAT INVITES THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST TO BE YOUR COMPANION AND DO IT. What comes to mind?  What things in your life invite the spirit?  What fills you with peace and happiness and wholeness?  You don't have to share if it is too personal.  Think about how you feel, how your mood changes inside you when you put all your focus for a moment on bringing the spirit closer to you.  You can comment at the end of this post that you did the challenge and that will enter you again the giveaway, though that seems like such a little prize compared with the feeling of having the spirit with you!

Yup, I can't write anymore.:)  Hope your day is lovely and full of happy, spirit filled moments!

ps.trying to write what I am feeling with only ten minutes at my disposal is a serious writing challenge!! Ohmygator!

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