Thursday, May 31, 2012

Only ONE thing on my mind today. NOURISH.

NOURISH:verb. To provide with the materials necessary for life and growth(Collins English Dictionary)
Synonyms: feed, supply, sustain, nurture, encourage, support, maintain, foster, cultivate, cherish

Yesterday was Jane's ballet recital.  I don't know what it is about recital days, but it really is a WHOLE day thing.  I didn't exercise yesterday.  I didn't take hardly any of my herbs.  I didn't have any really RESTING time.  We ate fast food twice and I spent the bulk of the day running recital errands with my three babies, and driving. SO MUCH DRIVING. And it was hot.  And I didn't drink really any water. At all really.

Yesterday Jane had a really beautiful day of excitement.  I was so excited too.  She got to have a dress rehearsal on stage. SHE LOVES BEING ON STAGE.  She got to pick out flowers for her teacher.  She also wanted to give her teacher a Jesus card(which was SUPER cute, but made me anxious, you never want to offend people! And then it made me ashamed I was worrying about her sweet gesture. Poor little mother.:). Jane also got to pick out some pink lipstick, and wear make up for the performance.  She NEVER gets to wear make up except for performances and for Halloween sometimes.  Jane got to wear sparkly clothes and have lots of Mum and me moments.  She was so beautiful and I was so happy and proud of her.  She loves to express herself through dance and it is absolutely magical to watch.:)

Yesterday I did a whole bunch of babies first mothering. Yesterday at the end of the day I FELT HORRIBLE.  I started..s.tuttering....and gazing off into nothing whilst trying to talk to people...and...yup....I had nothing basically.

TODAY I made it a mother first day.  You know why?  Because days like yesterday need to be rare, or else the family stops functioning.  I have such a strong testimony that mothers need to take care of them first if they want to be able to be all they want to be for their family.  I have lived both lives(babies first mothering, and mother first living) and only one way works on an everyday basis, and that is the mother first living.

Today I took my herbs. Today I ate MUCH healthier.  Today I am drinking water.  Today I didn't get to exercise, but I will.:)  Today I am listening to my body very closely and monitoring its needs.  My kids are still happy.  Today they are SO CUTE.  Jane and Denny are playing house.  He is wearing his "daddy outfit" and Jane is the mom, and they have a baby with some serious needs!  It is so hilarious to see them act out their family.  Their baby has pooped and peed everywhere.  Their baby needs Daddy most, and cries REALLY loud.  Today is a mother first day, but the kids are still happy and fed and taken care of. Cause I took care of me first.

NOURISH. Nourish yourself so you can take care of others please. The only time I disagree with this as a general rule(like I said, there are exception days like recital days) is when I am on an airplane and they talk about putting your oxygen mask on first.  I always lean over to BJ and tell him he can put his on first, but I am putting the kids on first and then me.:) 

NOURISH. Please take care of yourself.  It is SO MUCH MORE BALANCING than you would think. And enjoy it.  I put on green clay face masks at night at least once a week.  It is a good idea and makes me feel pampered. I enjoy my children SO MUCH more and can handle the crazy times that come with these destroying angels SO MUCH more when I take care of myself first.

CALL TO ACTION! Take care of yourself today.  Do at least one thing YOU need. Take a moment to listen to your body and your soul to know what that means to you. You will be so much more peaceful and happy today if you do!!!

Don't let life be a blur! Take time out for yourself so you can ENJOY life!!(this caption makes me feel better that none of the performance pictures came out....:) It is also true.:))

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