Tuesday, June 19, 2012

two kinds of tired

In the words of the Fab Four, "I'M SO TIRED"

In my experience all kinds of tired fall into one of two categories:

the kind you should FIX and the kind you should RESPECT.

(I feel that way about illness too actually)

The first kind of "tired" that you should FIX are things like chronic fatigue, insomnia, etc. You know SLEEP problems and ENERGY problems. I have for sure had my struggles with these for....like my WHOLE LIFE.  This kind of tired super stinks TO THE MAX.  I hate it. I hate not having energy to take care of myself or my family, and I have undergone some super serious life changes to start to fix this energy crisis in my body.  AND IT IS GETTING BETTER! Sleep is happening! Energy is happening! Whoohoo!
(PS.If you wanna know more about how I am doing this message me.;)

BUT then there is ....

the second kind of tired.  The kind of tired you should respect. The kind of tired that you experience when you body is rebuilding itself, or in my case, BUILDING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING.  I am tired, and while I do not enjoy being tired all the time(super inconvenient to the max for real), this is one time where I begin to be ok with it on some level.  I am taking as many green foods into my body as I can to help my body not be too stressed with the project it is working on.:)  But still, I am making AN ENTIRE BABY inside me right now, and it takes a lot of my energy!  I have thought, very briefly, about taking extra energy stuff, not talking RED BULL, but you know natural things to boost my energy.  And you know what?  When I pray about it I don't feel good about it. I think it is because this is a natural process going on in my body and I need to respect it.  I do not need to be FIXED right now where fatigue is concerned.  I need to RESPECT this miraculous process happening inside me. I do need to try and feed my body healthy things and get enough rest, but mostly this is a case of letting nature take its natural course.:)

I am really grateful for the intelligence of our creator and for the intelligence of our bodies.  The whole making a person process is awe-inspiring to me. 

I am also grateful I get to take a rest as soon as my hubby is home.<---see I am a real person as well as a deep minded person.;)

true story:)

1 comment:

  1. "I am also grateful I get to take a rest as soon as my hubby is home.<---see I am a real person as well as a deep minded person.;)"

    This is so the best thing I've read all day. Break countdown: approx. 114 minutes
