Monday today:
I wake up and I hurt all over.
I wish I could blame this on being pregnant.
But it ain't being pregnant, this has been my body for FOREVER.
I used to call this having fibromyalgia symptoms, but after more research I question this diagnosis.
Fibromyalgia pain seems to be listed more as sharp pains all over.
I just super painfully ache ALL OVER.
I was telling someone how I can totally be in the woods camping, and have to go to the bathroom in a hole in the ground and be fine, but I HAVE to have a shower in the morning. I think this always makes me sound more diva than the truth is.
The truth is, if I don't take a shower in the morning my muscles will ache and throb ALL DAY.
After a hot shower I feel so much better.
This may be part of my nervous system disorder. Will be praying more about this.
I DO feel(when I have prayed and thought about it so far) that it is part of my bad nutrition habits.
In fact, as I type this, I know in my heart it is so.
(Side note, one time I was at university and I was praying to know how to stop having such pimply skin. Nothing seemed to be working that I was doing. My answer from heaven came VERY STRONGLY. I needed to drink more water and stop eating chocolate.-I am not saying this will clear up YOUR skin, it was just MY skin's answer-. I decided I didn't mind pimples so much....oh 19....:)
Changing your diet is basically impossible.
OK, not impossible.
But it is REALLY HARD most days for me.
And not just hard, but REALLY OVERWHELMING.
I don't know why.
It seems so simple on paper and in books.
My body has gotten to a sad point where I have to eat really REALLY healthy(no dairy, little meat, VERY little processed foods, sugar coming from fruits mostly, etc...), basically I need a whole foods diet to keep me feeling OK and maybe even good. Makes sense. I mean, my body to be healthy and strong needs to be made out of good things. My body to get rid of toxins and yuck and cancer and so forth needs to be filled with good, strong immune stimulating, body building foods.
But it is a hard transition and I am definitely FAR FAR FAR from eating this way super consistently. EVEN THOUGH I feel SO MUCH BETTER when I do.
AND it is especially hard to figure out while living in Utah. What is it about Utah that makes people obsessed with soda and fatty,sugary foods? Is it that the greater population doesn't consume alcohol, so they replace it with extreme sugar filled soda? Utah has one of the highest, if not the highest consumption levels of depression medications. I can't believe that the high amount of sugar Utahn's (<----bwaha) consume can be a good idea. Sugar plus more drugs.....TOGETHER.
And then there is the comfort food. I am not a soda person, but I GET the comfort food. I grew up in a home where comfort food is KING. Don't even get my Mum started on the subject.:) I wish my body would get the memo.
Which is so funny to me.
Body, just figure out bad food is good?
Bad food will build you up?
Sugar and fat are ACTUALLY what will make you strong and healthy?
See, it is simple on paper(or computer screen).
Truth dude, why are you so allusive in application?
SO, in recap:
I wake up every morning and my body hurts(pregnancy aside).
I struggle with applying the knowledge I have about my body and food and so forth so that I can not have this problem anymore.
I want to be healthy so I can be a functioning TRULY HAPPY person.
It is easier to believe junk food will make me happy when I live in Utah more than anywhere else I have lived.
I don't want to die when I am 53 like my Dad did.
Waking up in pain makes me uber cranky.
Stay tuned for PART TWO....I promise it will be WAY less Hyde.:)
QUESTION: After such a cranky post do you even feel ANY MOTIVATION to read PART TWO?!?
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