Yesterday at my midwife appointment we found out that Baby Rose is possibly in a posterior position. I have never had to birth a posterior baby, and I realized yesterday that I had assumed I never would. Even though I know every birth is different. I also realized that posterior babies make me NERVOUS. So I shall be doing about a thousand pelvic rocks to the max everyday for the next few weeks.....
I am UNCOMFORTABLE!! Even the maternity clothes are beginning to not fit. Land of mu mus or nakedness here I come.:)
Typically Tuesdays are NOT my favorite. BUT I LOVE TODAY because it is basically FRIDAY!!! Yay for holidays!!
If I had the chance to meet the President of the United States(meaning Obama), or the Queen of England. I hate to admit it in a public forum, but I would rather meet the Queen. What a life she has had! She has been involved with her country for good or bad for DECADES. And I really love England.:)
I love early American history heroes, but I have a hard time finding modern day American least in government. I have seen great patriotism and AMERICANISM in American individuals, but the country as a whole....oh America.....we got a lot of cleaning up and re-prioritizing to do.
One thing I DO love about the Obamas(maybe the only thing....eeek), is the interesting things they have done health wise(NOT TALKING THE CRAZY OBAMACARE. OHMYGATOR). I love that they dug up a garden at the white house. The white house hasn't had a vegetable garden used for actual use since the Victory Garden days I believe. AND they actually do eat from that garden! I love that! I love that Michelle Obama is actively trying to beat childhood obesity in America. Obesity runs in my family on my Dad's side. My Dad was obese. He was a really big guy, and had a TON of health problems when he died. At least borderline diabetes, gout, heart problems, etc... It is excruciatingly frustrating and horrible to have your Dad die at 53 and know that if he had taken better care of his body he might have been around for a few more decades!
I remember one day doing errands around town and counting the number of very overweight to obese people I saw in every store. It was over 50% everywhere I went. It was really shocking.
Then again, being "skinny" doesn't mean you are healthy either. I have two little(seriously here, they are about 100 pounds each) sisters who eat ramen three times a day(really truly) and think they are the epitome of health. Even though they both have horrible teeth(lots of root canals to the max), and other health issues. One of them found out their thyroid was beginning to malfunction, and I was like, dude? You are surprised?!
We are not the healthiest people ourselves, but it is something that I have found that I am consistently striving to be better at. We fail lots, but we succeed a lot too!:) I definitely DO NOT eat Top Ramen three times a day anymore.;)
I don't really want to talk about health so much today. But I have been thinking a lot about it lately(well, truly, I think about it ALL THE TIME:). For really good reasons.:) Yay for progress on getting rid of chronic health problems in the BJHamaker home!!!).
I've been watching Biggest Loser lately. So corny, I know.:) I used to think that show was SO WRONG. I guess I had only seen a clip or two of the last chance workouts and I thought, what a horrible show! Skinny people yelling at fat people for an hour! But it is SO NOT like that. One thing I have been thinking about a lot is that that show has people who had a horrible experience, or something that triggered their extreme weight gain. And for years, sometimes decades, they kind of tried to fix it, or just plain gave up hope. BUT at some point, after years of hopelessness and defeat they made a change! They got themselves out of that rut and into positive action!
How many times do we give up on something and just feel it is not meant to be or hopeless? Maybe we think we can't change because we have been a certain way for so long, years, decades, OUR WHOLE LIFE. I love that Biggest Loser is proof positive that you can change your life no matter no matter. You can decide today that you want to be more patient. That you want to be healthy. That you want to not be afraid anymore. That you want.....whatever you want that is good!! AND not only can you decide you really want it, but that you can BE that or DO that. CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.
Change IS possible. But you gotta want it. Want it and MORE. I remember for years I wanted to be more patient as a young girl. And then something clicked when I was 19 and everyday for a year I prayed to be more patient and I started to see some real progress!(I kind of relapsed a million, but I am fixing that again.;)
Anyways, tomorrow is a celebration of freedom. I don't know where this country is going as far as freedom is concerned. I love the ideals that America was founded on. I love them. I think it has come to a point in our history where the only way we will have freedom is if the individuals of this country start living their lives in a positive change way. Government will not be the answer to most of our problems anymore. If we want better health care, we gotta take better care of our bodies. If we want better school systems, we need to be more active in our children's education. If we want stronger citizens, we need to have stronger families. We can do all those things!!! Americans and people all over the world have so much more power as individuals than we give ourselves credit for! Lets be the change we want to see, and celebrate tomorrow with hope in ourselves, and remember the ideals this country is still is battling for.
QUESTION: What is something you look to the government to change for you, that you as an individual could probably have more effect for change for? I am NOT talking about writing letters and filling out petitions, though, those are good things too. I am talking about real change YOU can make. Think of all the people who as individuals have changed the world. You could be the next one!:)
This guy had the right idea.;)
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