Things I am grateful for today:
-Heavenly Father knowing how my day was going to go, so He prepared me by having my heart full of hope when I got up. Totally balanced out some of the difficult happenings in the afternoon.
-Although seriously bi-polar(look who's talking), I am so grateful for my children today. Yesterday I was reminded in several ways how grateful I am for these people in my life. I feel SO BLESSED to be the one they call Mumma. I feel so blessed to be the one who has been given the sacred responsibility of teaching them right from wrong, and to help them develop and prepare for their own unique missions in this earth life. They are so precious to me.
-I am SO grateful for my Beloved Husband. Ohmygator I love that man. I am so grateful he is WHO he is. He is so much my rock, and I am his clinging vine.:) He is so patient and kind and self sacrificing. He has been SO attentive to my needs lately. I love him SO MUCH and am SO GRATEFUL FOR HIM!
-I am so grateful for friends who listen to me and talk to me. I am so grateful for friends who are so eagerly willing to help me when I am in need. I am so grateful for friends who will help walk me and my kids home from the park to make sure I am OK.
-I am so grateful for the knowledge I have acquired about health and nutrition and herbs. I am not the best at heeding the wisdom I have gained, but I am SO GRATEFUL I have that wisdom in me, and can always return to it and then be blessed by it.
-I am so grateful for the experiences we are having in Provo at this time in our lives.
-I am so grateful that last night(after a crazy weekend of serious life questioning and driving my husband crazy) that we allasudden felt a lovely peace about being in Provo just for the next 6 years and then returning to the coast. It feels so wonderful having a plan, all be it a somewhat un-detailed one still.:) And it is so wonderful to feel I can move back to my beloved sea.:)
-I am so grateful for the promptings and personal revelation I have been having in these last few days about why Clair is on this earth at this time. I have such a strong testimony of prayer and that Heavenly Father WILL answer our prayers. I also have such a strong testimony that we are sent at specific times in specific circumstances and have a very unique and important role to fulfill in this life. I am grateful that Heavenly Father has let me know more about MY personal mission here during these last few days of revelation. I am so grateful for several particular friends who have helped me learn more about myself. I can not tell you HOW grateful. SOOOOO MILLIONS.
-I am so grateful to be loved by so many amazing people. It feels so good to be loved! Clairs need to be loved.:) And it has been so wonderful letting people know I love them, and them letting me know they love me. I think we need more of that positive verbal wonderfulness.:)
-I am so grateful for this new life inside me. It is a crazy thing to be pregnant, with all sorts of ups and downs, but mostly it has been all up this time around and I am so excited to get to know this angel coming to our family.
-I am thankful for HGTV, I wish I had it on MY tv.:) I am so thankful for a family of doers. We see something we want to do, we pray about it, get an answer, and then if the answer is yes, we do it! We build houses, and homes, and families! We create beauty. I love beauty SO MUCH. SOOOOOO MUUCCCHH!!!!! I love it. I am so grateful for the beauty in my life, and the role I get to play in making more beauty on this planet.:)
-I am thankful God has a plan for me and my family and that He is constant in his watching over us. I have felt His eye on our family lately, and I am so grateful for all He does, especially for all the things He does for us that I don't even know about, but that make our lives so much smoother!:)
I am an emotionally charged woman with very real feelings. The emotionally charged bit doesn't change the realness of what I am feeling. It just makes me more aware.:) I am grateful for this blessing, although it makes me quite weepy.:)
QUESTION: WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR TODAY? Take one minute(or more!) and write them down! Feel the peace of the good in your life. Close your eyes and breathe. Smile. Life is crazy! But so good. It isn't an either or. Often my life is SUPER CRAZY!!!! Like frustrating to the max but also crazy good to the max as well, I just gotta remember and notice.:) And then, when I do, magically the hard and difficult become so much easier! Happy Wednesday! Don't take my word for it! Try it out!:)
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