Tuesday, June 5, 2012

To blog or not to blog?..seriously I am asking.

So I am somewhere in my third trimester of pregnancy and this last weekend I feel like I turned some crazy corner. I literally feel like I have fallen through Alice's rabbit hole and everything has turned upside down inside me, and that I have also stepped through her looking glass and everything is hyper real and hyper unreal at the same time. Logic skills? Out the window with the Jabberwock.

So the question becomes, now that I am in this completely bizarre state of mind, do I record my thoughts in blog form to share with you(this is probably the choice that will follow with the FUNNIEST journey), or keep my craziness to myself(which choice will probably keep you in a more normal state of mind throughout your day)?



  1. Share! We can choose to read only if you blog. When you got options, you're going places.

  2. Show the "hyper real and hyper unreal" with random, clever pictures. No words, just the pictures.

    1. Ohmygator, so I have been thinking about your idea like ALL DAY trying to figure out how I could do this. Maybe not this week, but it is going to happen sometime in the next few weeks. What a cool idea.:) It makes me wish I was better at photoshop too.Get some REALLY cycadelic(SP?!) pix going.:)

  3. I vote keep blogging! No craziness or randomness, pregnancy-induced or otherwise, could scare me away. :)

    1. I SO appreciate both your bravery and your friendship.:)

  4. Well, is the blogging for you, or for your readers? I am sure I would be entertained by pregnancy craziness :), but if it's a burden to write instead of a pleasure or stress-reliever then DON'T DO IT! I don't think you need to cease b/c your readers might be turned off by whatever comes out during your final trimester, though. haha

    1. True point friend, this is a blog for ME, but people do read it, and I don't want to post anything toooooo out there? Maybe? I will not post if it is not fun or if it becomes stressful FOR SURE. Hee hee, alright readers, ready or not here comes the third trimester saga(more like epic drama!) of Clair!:)
