Friday, April 13, 2012

My not so bad week! Prayer really does change things dude!:)

This picture hangs in my bathroom.  I see it about a million times a day(pregnant much here:).
Prayer changes things.  I know this is a TRUE STORY.:)

Last night my sweetheart and I talked until 1AM about everything.:) We made the start of some huge decisions for our family for the upcoming years.  SCARY!  AND EXCITING!

The other evening I was so exhausted and as soon as BJ was home I went to bed to rest and watch a flick(Hallmark SECRET GARDEN a favorite:).  All day my kids and I had been fighting frustration with each other, but as soon as I went to my room, there they were again!  Couldn't get enough of me! I needed to be resting not so much wrestling with a million jumping beans so I let each of them come and cuddle with me one at a time and watch my movie with me.  It felt so good.

My kids have the funniest ways of expressing themselves.  Denny likes to raise a finger up to his face when he is telling you something important.  Jane gets coy beyond cuteness at times.  Alice is just a character.
They bring such joy and beauty to my life AND I NOTICED IT.:)

After being put on bed rest I made a serious effort to make myself fresh veggie juice and a quart of tea everyday. And I drank them all up! You know you want some.;)

I went on a walk that probably put me on bed rest, but felt the spirit.  Later when I blogged about it I felt an overwhelming confirmation of what I had felt.  THAT FELT SO AMAZING!!

I learned more about my relationship with heaven this week and I prayed so much.

I got upset and prayed and felt better.  I got frustrated and prayed and felt better.  I got hysterical and prayed and felt better.  I got happy and prayed and FELT EVEN BETTER.:)

I got to hang out with some of the most amazing women of my acquaintance.

I looked in the mirror this morning and saw my no make-up face and scrubby, hole-y clothes and told myself I was beautiful.  AND MEANT IT.  I mean those lovely high cheek bones.  Come on!:)

I held a baby and helped her calm down and fall asleep and it WAS magical.  It was so healing and wonderful feeling!

I saw some beautiful pictures of Stephenie Nielson's( new baby and felt just so happy for them!!  It made the start to my morning so happy feeling!!

I prayed for patience and for hope and after struggling, found them.

My week wasn't so bad after all!
CHALLENGE: What were your favorite parts of the week?  Tell me about them!

I can not even help it.  After I read Stephanie Nielson's new book HEAVEN IS HERE, and after what my posts were about this week I just have to add her book to the give away for THIS WEEK!  SO if you have participated in any of the challenges this week(and it is NOT cheating, in my opinion, if you go back through the posts of THIS week and do as many as you want today.:) and left a comment then eah comment will count as an entry for ONE darling apron made by moi(to be constructed tomorrow)AND one copy of HEAVEN IS HERE.   I will announce the winner tomorrow!!Happy Friday!!!


  1. Just have a confession to make. My personal prayer has not improved much. Maybe I'm too picky about the environment I want when I pray personally. And maybe I don't try hard enough to create that moment for myself. I don't know. I seriously need to pick a time and set an alarm for myself and just do it. Would that be weird?

  2. uhhhh, it has only been a week. Sometimes it takes longer.:) My prayers did improve this week, but I had a whole lotta nothing else to do a lot of the time. I mean, I was on bed rest. You know? I pray in my bathroom. Seriously. I would like to live the dream of praying on my knees more often, but it doesn't happen often. And you know for me, I pray A LOT in my heart. LIke all day. But that is what works for me. I think picking a time and setting an alarm is a great idea. I think whatever works for you is a great idea.:) Everyone is different! might also just be too picky.:P :)just kidding.....mostly...;)
