Saturday, April 21, 2012

Prayer vs. Chocolate....the results are in:)

PRAYER-And in this corner we have the ultra trim and slim mode of communication.  Nothing is too challenging for this competitor.  Nothing is too little or too big.  Makes YOU feel like the champion when all is said and done. Known for aiding those in their happiest moments and in their darkest moments. This is a competitor that is especially known for its loyalty and endurance.  You will never be left behind or left to battle alone with this team mate. This contender has an oftentimes superhuman power to make real change in the game.

Chocolate-And in this corner we have the super sweet and sassy favorite of basically every woman in the world.  Also known for aiding those in some of their happiest and darkest moments, like the first contender, but always leaves you hanging afterwards...literally for some.  Is known for a quick burst of speed in the beginning and high hopes, but then can struggle with the enduring bit unless you team up with more of this guys mates. This contender has a powerful punch initially, but as for real power in the game....the jury is still out.

WINNER!  For me its gotta be prayer.:)  Chocolate is sweet and wonderful and somewhat satisfying, but the peace that comes from knowing I can pray to a real someone who has ultimate power and a plan for me is an even better thing.

Well, as you know I have been challenging myself to turn to heaven when I am stressed/crazy/frustrated/etc. instead of or before I turn to chocolate.  It is a battle some days.  BUT I really think I am starting to form a new and emotionally healthier habit.:)  Though as I said in the beginning it doesn't mean I am not eating chocolate anymore.:)

This new habit, while very new and small, has been increasing the peace in my life.  I am still a stressed out whacko lately, BUT I can feel something in the core of me changing.  SLOWLY.  They say slow change is the best right?:)

This week's give away was for a prayer rock to keep by ya to remind you of the real and true comfort available to all, and a bit of chocolate too.:) I said I would give away five prizes this week....but as I have had only four people respond this week ALL FOUR OF YOU (BJ, The Momma, Rachael and Celeste!) ARE WINNERS!!!  WHOOHOO!!!  It pays to read unpopular blogs.  I mean who really wins on the grosgrain blog?;)

Anyways, I will try and get them in the post this week!  I LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A FABULOUS WEEKEND!!!



  1. You rock. I think your giveaways are so fun. :)

  2. Thanks! You rock too! I think they are fun too.:) Maybe a bit corny, but I really do like them, and wouldn't mind being the winner myself.:)
