So this is what yesterday looked like over here.
And after I made that weepy mess....I felt better.
And I was reminded of this scripture(one of my favorites:):
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
-Romans 12:21
What this scripture means to me is that you can't just get rid of the bad. After you get rid of the bad you must quickly replace it with lots of good. Yesterday I was totally overcome with evil thoughts. I got rid of the bad by weeping it all out. And I felt so much better! But to make it last I had to take advantage of the moment and start filling in the hole with happy/truthful/good/etc. things.
I had prayed this weekend that my blog could be a little lighter this week, and when yesterday was so intense feeling I was like, "really?" :) It was so interesting though how Heavenly Father DID answer that prayer. Because after the weeping and filling back up with good things I realized that that was exactly the preparation I needed to talk about what I REALLY wanted to talk about this week.
This week I wanted to talk about knowing/being happy with SELF. Self as we are right now. And did you know that one of the first steps is to change out any bad images you have of yourself and fill them with good ones!?:)
Yesterday I felt horrible about ME. That was really the thing that was upsetting me the most. And I had to move beyond that before I could start to LOVE me. I had to stop listening to Satan and start turning to truthful, wonderful, healing heaven.:)
So today to REALLY start off this week I wanted to tell you some good things about me that you may or may not know.:)
-I am from a combined family. I grew up first with just two younger brothers.They were my first buddies and I love them million. Then I grew up with those younger brothers combined with four sisters(three younger, one older). Sisters felt like such a gift from Heavenly Father. I love them all so differently, but SO MUCH! I have three half siblings from my birth Dad's second marriage(one younger brother and two younger sister).These kids are so awesome and I wish we could hang out more, they are incredible people. I also have two self-adopted siblings and you can't convince me that they aren't blood related. My incredible Brother Jon, and one of my very favoritest people in the whole world, my Sister Heidi. If you want to really make me wanna punch you in the face tell me they aren't my family.:) SERIOUSLY.
-I am a hopeless romantic. But I didn't want BJ to propose to me on his knees. I wanted to be in his arms.:)
-I am an idealist. I have high ideals of what I believe life can be like, and sometimes I attain them.:)
-I don't like most modern literature. I have no desire AT ALL to read the Hunger Games, Twilight, etc. I feel like literature is getting so dark, and I don't like it. Most of my favorite books are old.
**Secret Garden, Enchanted April, The Anne of Green Gable books, Jane of Lantern Hill, the Narnia Books, The Girl of the Limberlost, Gifts From the Sea, Christy, the Dealing with Dragons series, GRACIE: a love story, etc.:)
-I also love murder mysteries, but not all of them. I love Dorothy L. Sayers and SOME of Ngaio Marsh, and most of Agatha Christie. I don't like hardly any of the mysteries written after 1960 because they either involve drug usage, serious free love, mucho profanity, and frightening cults.
-I am a tactile person. I love textures and fabrics and colors. I love to have beautiful things around me. Which could be anything from a cupful of dandelions to a darling teacup to the smile on my baby's face.:)
-I want chickens and horses and Babydoll Southdown sheep.
-I am not a materialistic person, but if I don't have at least two pairs of Converse chucks(one pink pair, one blue pair), then I feel unlike myself. All the rest of my clothes can be shabby, but if I have my chucks I feel like I am still not SUPER homeless looking.:)
-I am intensely insecure. I come off as someone who is very outgoing, but I am naturally shy and worried that no one likes me. <----SERIOUSLY. I have to work really hard not to constantly ask people if they REALLY like me or not.
-I love being a backseat motorcycle babe, but I don't want BJ to get a motorcycle. I love that man SO MUCH. It isn't that I don't trust him to be safe, but more that I don't trust all those other crazy drivers on the road!
-If I could live in a garden I would.:) Someday I will.
-I want to learn the Argentine Tango and the Balboa.:) How much more romantic can you get than those two dances?! Rumba is so overdone and oversexed. TRUE STORY.
-My five favorite TV shows are: AS TIME GOES BY, GOOD NEIGHBORS, AVONLEA, MURDER SHE WROTE, and SCARECROW AND MRS.KING. The only really modern shows we stream sometimes are BIGGEST LOSER and PROJECT RUNWAY.
-Every time I have said I would never do something(not including evil or bad things), Heavenly Father usually works it into His plans for me. Example: Home birth, home school, cloth diapering, being in love with and writing to a missionary, living in THE DESERT....
-In the next few years we are going to open up a Swing Dancing Club and I am going to form a big band and SING WITH IT at least once a week.:) And I am going to own a really sparkly gold dress too.;)
-I am a princess. All girls are. Whether they wear chucks or tiaras.:) I BELIEVE THIS. Cause it is true. And someday we will be Queens.:)
-Cashmere is what makes winter OK.
-When it is me, by myself, I LOVE me. I am a very sincere person and just can't love or do things I don't like or love or feel passionate about. I AM VERY BAD AT FAKING HAPPY. But when I go outside, into the world, I really struggle with comparing. I feel so different from many other women(sight my dislike for TWILIGHT), and worry that maybe I am all wrong and start to really feel a need to not be ME anymore. Comparing at its most evil.
-You know how you can have twin babies in this mortal life? Well, if our spirits could have a twin, BJ would be mine. We are perfect compliments to each other and are so spiritually/emotionally bound to each other. One.:)
-BJ is my Onliest Friend Ever(a title, not a diss on others:), but I really ache, like Anne of old, for a Bosom Friend. I really wish I had a best girlfriend who really understood and loved me for me, and who I could call when I am feeling my darkest and saddest. This is something I am ginormously insecure about. That someone, not BJ, could love me that much and care about me that much.
-I love wearing two braids in my hair during the week. So easy to do, and hair out of my face! But I LOVE dressing up for the weekend.:)
-I am incredibly in love with my little growing family. Every child brings such a unique joy into our lives. And let's be honest. It is going to keep on growing for a long time. We want 10 kids.:)
-I want a Mr.T cookie jar that when you open it it says, "I pity the fool who eats my cookies!" True story.
Are you bored with learning about me yet?
This is me trying to be something other than me. It didn't work very well as you can see.(pic from when I was 14 or 15:)
Did you ever get one of those email forwards where there is a list of questions and you have to fill it out and send it to twenty people or else your hair will fall out or your prince will never come or something?:) Kind of corny, but so good and fun to fill out! How well do you know yourself? Can you answer all the following questions? Comment and tell me how you did!
1.What is your favorite color:
2.Favorite movie:
3.Favorite book:
4.Dream place to live:
5.Favorite number:
6.Who is your best friend?
7.What is the deepest desire of your heart? What do you dream about more than anything else?
8.What do you think is the perfect age to be?
9.What is your favorite thing to wear?
10. What is your idea of the perfect woman?
11.What are your talents?
12.Who do you most want to be like?
13.What do you consider the most interesting is about yourself?
14.Favorite flower:
15.Favorite Disney Princess:
PS! Cause this week is all about celebrating self discovery I am adding onto the give away. As you know my favorite number is five. SO FIVE AWESOME PEOPLE WILL GET A PRIZE THIS WEEK!!! WHOOHOO! HAVE A JOYOUS TUESDAY!