Monday, March 26, 2012

Everyone has a voice. This is MINE.

I have a need to write, right now in my life.  I have found that I have a voice that NEEDS to be heard.  I have thoughts and feelings that I need to put out into the world.  Before...before NOW, I was afraid to write.  My college English papers consisted of me writing a first draft, spell checking it, and then turning it in without ever, EVER looking at it again.  EVER. Why?  I had no confidence in my ability to communicate the thoughts in my head to paper.  I worried that I sounded "un-college-like" and immature in my phrasing, and that if I did make mistakes in my writing I wasn't skilled enough to correct said errors.:)  But one thing I did have, a very strong voice. My professors loved my voice and I think I should have given that voice more credit.  Perhaps I should have thought more like Algernon, "anyone can play accurately, I play with tremendous feeling." :)  And so, grammatical and spelling errors aside, I am giving my voice power again. My personality, my own unique flare a place to express itself.  I have a voice.  This is MY VOICE.

1 comment:

  1. Love! Spot on, my friend! When I am not writing by assignment, I have a strong voice in my writing, too. My siblings that have returned from missions have said they loved getting my letters b/c they made them laugh. That's what people do when I'm talking with them face-to-face . . . so I guess my "voice" makes people laugh. bahahaha
